NLA celebrate 10-year anniversary in Norway: Fair Transport and Climate on the agenda

Opening of the NLA conference

Last week the Nordic Logistics Association (NLA) celebrated its 10-year anniversary at the 2022 transport fair, Automessen in Lilletrøm, Norway. The conference was organised in close collaboration with our member the Norwegian Road Transport Association (NLF).  

The conference highlighted the value of Nordic cooperation in face of the green transition of the transport sector and the implementation of the Mobility Package. Raluca Marian, general delegate of IRU, Ewa Ptaszyńska from the European Commission, Norwegian minister of transport Jon-Ivar Nygård, Carsten Horn-Hansen, and Erik Østergaard, chairman of NLA gave their perspectives during the panel discussion. 

Erik Østergaard, chairman of the NLA said: 

– 10 years of strong Nordic cooperation on transport has been a success for Nordic hauliers. The EU’s Mobility Package has provided a legal framework that ensures fair competition and orderly conditions in the transport sector, helping us put an end to social dumping in the European road transport market. 

– Nordic cooperation and efforts have in this regard not least been crucial in our close cooperation with our German and French colleagues in BGL and FNTR. Our focus is now on enforcement and compliance with the new rules.  

– The next great challenge is the green transition of the transport industry. The national governments around the Nordics are even more ambitious than EU policymakers in their climate policy. For the road transport sector where today, roughly 99% of heavy-duty vehicles use fossil fuels the challenges ahead are enormous. 

About the Nordic Logistic Association 

In 2012 the Danish (DTL), Norwegian (NLA) and Swedish (SÅ) haulier associations came together to form the NLA to have a common office in Brussels. The Finnish haulier association soon after the founding of NLA became an associate member. Since then, the NLA formed the Road Alliance together with BGL and FNTR, the German and French haulier associations and together have a common office in Brussels.  

From the left Raluca Marian, General Delegate of IRU’s Permanent Delegation to the European Union in conversation with NLA chairman Erik Østergaard

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