Last evening the European Parliament’s Transport Committee adopted its position on the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR) setting more ambitious goals.
The Common Office in Brussels of BGL, FNTR and NLA welcomes the direction taken by the European Parliament with ambitious goals for a European recharging and refueling infrastructure for battery electricity, hydrogen and LNG. Notably, it is important for us that the general principle of technology neutrality is underlined to maintain market competition between the different alternative technologies, taking also account of affordability.
This is an important first step to meet the objectives of the Fit for 55 Package. The green transition can only happen if there is sufficient infrastructure for alternative fuels in place to support transport companies. We encourage Member States to start planning already now, so they can be ready to meet the obligations of AFIR.
Access and availability to and of alternative technologies are imperative for our members if they are to invest into the green transition. In addition to building up the infrastructure for alternative fuels, many other aspects need to be addressed: availability of “green” energy at affordable prices, an adequate energy grid, sufficient areas to build up the infrastructure, the right number of vehicles, testing of vehicles under real conditions, a comprehensive service and spare parts supply etc.
The green transition will take time and comes at a cost. We are therefore somewhat concerned if other elements of the Fit for 55 Package such as the ETS proposal together with the Eurovignette will put additional costs on fossil-based fuels. Not least in a time where transport operators are already coping with price hikes in fuel prices.
We therefore call on legislators to bear in mind the importance of giving incentives to allow hauliers to invest in new green technologies. While recalling that we are still not in a scenario where heavy-duty vehicles run with battery electric or hydrogen technologies are available on a large scale at affordable prices.
Bundesverband Güterkraftverkehr Logistik und Entsorgung e.V. (BGL) is the leading association of road haulage, logistics and disposal in Germany with 7,000 member companies.
Fédération Nationale des Transports Routiers (FNTR) is the leading association of road haulage in France with 5,200 member companies
Nordic Logistics Association (NLA) is the joint Brussels representation of the leading road haulage associations in the Nordics representing around 16,000 member companies in Sweden: Sveriges Åkeriföretag (SÅ); Denmark: Dansk Transport og Logistik (DTL); and Norway: Norges Lastebileier-Forbund (NLF) in close cooperation with its associated member Finnish Transport and Logistics (SKAL)
Photo: AFIR adoption in TRAN 03.10.2022 by MEP Ismail Ertug